
How He Started a $60K/Month Epoxy Flooring Business

My Service Robot
June 26, 2024
min read

Unlocking the Secrets of a Thriving Epoxy Flooring Business 🚀


Intro 🤔


Starting and scaling a successful business is no easy feat, but for Corey Emonds, the founder of Northwest Concrete Coatings, it's been a remarkable journey. In just one year, Corey has grown his epoxy flooring company to an impressive $70,000 in monthly revenue, with a healthy 20% profit margin. His story is a testament to the power of strategic planning, unwavering dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Meeting Corey 🤝


Corey's entrepreneurial journey began in the power washing industry, where he gained valuable insights into the needs of his customers. It was through these interactions that he recognized the growing demand for high-quality epoxy flooring solutions. Determined to capitalize on this opportunity, Corey made the bold decision to take time off from his existing business and invest $60,000 to master the complex science of concrete coatings.

Equipment 🧰


Investing in the right equipment is crucial for any successful epoxy flooring business. Corey explains the importance of having the proper tools and machinery to ensure a seamless and efficient installation process. From industrial-grade grinders and polishers to specialized epoxy mixers, every piece of equipment plays a vital role in delivering exceptional results for his clients.

Where to Get Training 🎓


Mastering the art of epoxy flooring is no easy task, and Corey emphasizes the importance of proper training and education. He recommends seeking out industry-specific training programs, workshops, and online resources to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. By continuously learning and improving, Corey has been able to maintain a high level of quality and consistency in his work, which has been a key driver of his business's success.

How to get your First Customer 🤑


Breaking into the epoxy flooring market can be challenging, but Corey has found success by leveraging his existing network and customer relationships. He suggests starting with referrals from satisfied power washing clients, as they are already familiar with the quality of his work. Additionally, Corey has found success in networking with local contractors and building strategic partnerships to gain access to new customer bases.

Startup Costs 💰


Launching an epoxy flooring business requires significant upfront investment, but Corey's experience has shown that it can be a highly profitable venture. He estimates that the initial startup costs, including equipment, training, and marketing, can range from $50,000 to $100,000. However, with the right strategies and a focus on efficiency, Corey has been able to achieve impressive profit margins that make the investment well worth it.

Visiting a Job Site 👷‍♂️


Before embarking on any project, Corey emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough site assessment. This allows him and his team to understand the unique challenges and requirements of each job, ensuring that they can provide the best possible solution. From evaluating the condition of the concrete to assessing the client's needs and preferences, this hands-on approach is crucial for delivering a successful outcome.

Installing a Floor 🛠️


The installation process for an epoxy floor is a complex and meticulous undertaking, requiring a deep understanding of the science behind concrete coatings. Corey and his team follow a detailed, multi-step process that includes surface preparation, primer application, epoxy installation, and the addition of decorative flakes or chips. By adhering to strict quality control measures, they are able to consistently deliver floors that not only look stunning but also possess exceptional durability and longevity.

Cash or Financing for Equipment 💳


Acquiring the necessary equipment for an epoxy flooring business can be a significant financial investment. Corey has found success in utilizing a combination of cash and financing options to acquire his equipment. He explains that while cash payments can provide immediate ownership and avoid interest charges, financing can also be a valuable tool for preserving working capital and allowing for more flexible cash flow management. Ultimately, Corey advises entrepreneurs to carefully evaluate their financial situation and explore the various financing options available to them.

Getting Customer Referrals 👥


Building a strong customer base is crucial for the success of any epoxy flooring business, and Corey has found that customer referrals are one of the most effective ways to grow his company. By consistently delivering exceptional service and high-quality results, Corey has been able to cultivate a loyal customer base that actively recommends his services to their friends, family, and colleagues. This word-of-mouth marketing has been a significant driver of Northwest Concrete Coatings' rapid growth.

Why They Use Flake Coating 🧩


Corey's team at Northwest Concrete Coatings has found that the use of decorative flake coatings is a popular choice among their clients. These flakes not only add a unique and visually appealing aesthetic to the finished floor but also provide additional durability and slip resistance. By offering this specialized service, Corey has been able to differentiate his business and provide customers with a truly customized and high-quality flooring solution.

Equipment Walk-Through 🧪


Corey takes us on a detailed walk-through of the essential equipment used in his epoxy flooring business. From the powerful grinders and polishers that prepare the concrete surface to the specialized epoxy mixers that ensure a consistent and precise application, each piece of equipment plays a crucial role in the overall success of the project. By investing in the right tools and machinery, Corey and his team are able to deliver exceptional results and maintain a high level of efficiency.

Training and Knowledge Resources 🧠


Continuous learning and skill development are essential for any successful entrepreneur, and Corey is no exception. He emphasizes the importance of seeking out industry-specific training programs, workshops, and online resources to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and best practices in the epoxy flooring industry. By continuously expanding his knowledge and expertise, Corey is able to provide his clients with the highest level of service and ensure the long-term success of his business.

Typical Profit Margins 💸


One of the key factors that has contributed to Northwest Concrete Coatings' impressive growth is its healthy profit margins. Corey reveals that his business typically operates with a 20% profit margin, which is a remarkable achievement in the highly competitive epoxy flooring industry. By focusing on efficiency, cost control, and delivering exceptional value to his clients, Corey has been able to maintain these impressive margins, allowing him to reinvest in the growth and development of his company.

Why Systems are Important 📊


Corey emphasizes the critical role that systems and processes play in the success of his epoxy flooring business. By implementing streamlined workflows, standardized procedures, and data-driven decision-making, Corey and his team are able to ensure consistent quality, efficient operations, and scalable growth. From scheduling and project management to customer communication and invoicing, Corey has invested time and resources into building a robust and replicable system that allows his business to thrive.

Fan Blitz 🎉


One of the key marketing strategies that Corey has employed to drive growth for Northwest Concrete Coatings is the "Fan Blitz." This approach involves leveraging his existing customer base to generate new leads and referrals. By providing exceptional service and encouraging satisfied clients to spread the word about his business, Corey has been able to consistently attract new customers and expand his reach within the local community.

Employee Pay 💰


Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any business, and Corey has found that offering competitive compensation packages is a key part of this equation. He shares insights into the pay structure for his team, which includes a base salary, commission-based incentives, and bonuses for exceptional performance. By aligning employee compensation with the company's overall success, Corey has been able to build a motivated and dedicated workforce that is committed to delivering the highest level of service to his clients.

Monthly Expenses 💳


Running a successful epoxy flooring business requires careful management of monthly expenses. Corey provides a detailed breakdown of the various costs associated with his operation, including labor, equipment maintenance, insurance, and marketing. By closely monitoring and optimizing these expenses, Corey has been able to maintain a healthy profit margin and ensure the long-term sustainability of his business.

Hiring Process 🤝


Building a strong and capable team is crucial for the success of any epoxy flooring business. Corey shares his approach to the hiring process, which involves a multi-step evaluation that includes technical assessments, hands-on demonstrations, and thorough reference checks. By taking the time to find the right individuals who align with the company's values and standards, Corey has been able to assemble a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who contribute to the overall success of Northwest Concrete Coatings.

Monthly Ad Spend 📢


Effective marketing and advertising are essential for driving growth in the epoxy flooring industry. Corey reveals that his business dedicates a significant portion of its monthly budget to various marketing initiatives, including digital advertising, content creation, and strategic partnerships. By carefully tracking the performance of these campaigns and adjusting his strategy accordingly, Corey has been able to consistently attract new customers and maintain a steady pipeline of leads.

4 Pillars of the Business 🏛️


Corey attributes the success of Northwest Concrete Coatings to four key pillars: quality, customer service, marketing, and systems. By consistently delivering high-quality workmanship, providing exceptional customer experiences, implementing effective marketing strategies, and building robust operational systems, Corey has been able to establish a strong foundation for his business and position it for continued growth and success.

Sales Manager Interview 📈


Corey's sales manager, Anthony, shares his insights into the company's sales process and the key factors that contribute to their success. He emphasizes the importance of active listening, tailored solutions, and building genuine relationships with clients. By focusing on providing value and addressing the unique needs of each customer, Anthony and his team have been able to consistently close deals and drive revenue growth for Northwest Concrete Coatings.

Flooring Material Walk-Through 🧱


Corey takes us on a detailed walk-through of the various flooring materials and products used in his epoxy flooring business. From the high-quality epoxy resins to the decorative flakes and sealants, he explains the unique properties and benefits of each component, as well as the importance of using the right materials to achieve the desired aesthetic and performance characteristics.

Mentorship and Business Coaching 🧭


Corey emphasizes the value of seeking out mentorship and business coaching to support the growth and development of his epoxy flooring company. He has leveraged the expertise and guidance of industry veterans, as well as participated in comprehensive business coaching programs, to help him navigate the challenges and complexities of entrepreneurship. By continuously learning and seeking out new perspectives, Corey has been able to make informed decisions and implement strategies that have propelled his business to new heights.

Business Books and Blinkist 📚


Corey is a firm believer in the power of continuous learning and self-improvement. He regularly reads business books and utilizes the Blinkist app to consume key insights and strategies from a wide range of industry experts and thought leaders. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and innovative ideas, Corey is able to continuously refine and improve his approach to running a successful epoxy flooring business.

Sales Compensation 💰


Corey has implemented a comprehensive sales compensation structure that aligns with the overall goals and objectives of his business. This includes a base salary, commission-based incentives, and performance-based bonuses. By tying sales team compensation to specific metrics and outcomes, Corey has been able to foster a culture of accountability, drive, and excellence, ultimately leading to sustained growth and profitability for Northwest Concrete Coatings.

Managing Finances/Profit First 💸


Effective financial management is crucial for the success of any business, and Corey has embraced the "Profit First" methodology developed by Mike Michalowicz. This approach emphasizes the importance of prioritizing profitability and setting aside a predetermined percentage of revenue for profit, rather than treating it as an afterthought. By instilling this mindset throughout his organization, Corey has been able to maintain a healthy financial position and ensure the long-term viability of his epoxy flooring business.

#1 Advice for Entrepreneurs 🎯


Corey's #1 piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to focus on building systems and processes that can scale. He emphasizes the importance of creating replicable, measurable, and efficient workflows that allow a business to grow without becoming overwhelmed by operational complexities. By investing time and resources into developing robust systems, entrepreneurs can position their companies for sustainable success and long-term growth.

Outro 👋


Corey Emonds' journey with Northwest Concrete Coatings is a testament to the power of perseverance, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By mastering the complex science of epoxy flooring, leveraging his marketing expertise, and building a strong team and operational systems, Corey has been able to achieve remarkable growth and profitability in a relatively short period of time. His story serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs across various industries, showcasing the immense potential that lies in identifying and capitalizing on emerging market opportunities.

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